Commercial Irrigation Management
- Save money and water and keep your lawn and plant beds looking good all-year-round with ongoing irrigation management to ensure that your irrigation systems are working properly.
Irrigation Retrofits
- We’ll help you improve the condition of your irrigation system by inspecting your current system, identifying issues, and suggesting opportunities for upgrades.
Startups, Checks and Repairs, and Blowouts
- Our team offers continuous support and repairs to make sure your property’s irrigation system is adjusting to Colorado’s ever-changing weather and working to the best of its abilities.
- Landscape industry certified technicians that implement best practices — We only hire the best of the best, so you can trust that your property is safe in our hands!
- Strict adherence to our code of conduct — We can guarantee that there will be no swearing, smoking, drinking, or misconduct on the job.
- We strive to serve you with excellence and integrity — We’re committed to providing the best service possible and pursuing perfection in everything we do.
- We’re local — We’re your neighbors and we genuinely care about the good of Colorado Springs.
Colorado Springs’ City Council recently approved a new ordinance related to water usage.
The key changes impacting customers include:
1. Watering with sprinklers is limited to any three days of your choice per week.
- From May 1 to October 15, sprinklers can be operated before 10 a.m. and after 6 p.m. Sprinklers can be operated at any time of day before May 1 and after October 15.
- Allocation plans are available for customers who need more watering schedule flexibility. More information will be available April
- Drip irrigation, watering cans, and hose watering with a shut-off nozzle are allowed at any time.
2. Establishment permits are required for customers who need to temporarily water more than three days a week to establish new landscapes.
3. Broken or leaking sprinkler systems are required to be fixed within 10 days.
4. Water runoff from irrigation flowing across the ground, street or sidewalk is prohibited.
Visit this page for additional info and a suggested irrigation schedule.
We offer the following retrofits to help increase the efficiency of your irrigation system:
- Smart Irrigation Controllers
- Weather Sensors
- Flow Sensors
- High Efficiency, Matched Precipitation Nozzles
- Pressure Regulating Sprinkler Heads with Check Valves
We also help make sure that you receive rebates from Colorado Springs Utilities for your newly upgraded systems — learn more about your business and residential properties.
Interested in learning more about our irrigation services and receiving a free estimate on your property?